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Coming soon: Economic Insight for Everyday People

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Honestly, "coming soon" is probably being overly optimistic, but this project is definitely gaining momentum. The concept is defined, and the development/learning process has begun.

Currently, I am the only person working on this project. While I have web development experience dating back to 2001, modern web development is an entirely new world.

To help, I'm doing my best to fully embrace modern methodologies and use AI and online resources as much as possible. Up to this point it’s been working well, but I haven’t started the technical work yet...

This project is about more than just data—it's about providing economic insight for everyday people.

If you see potential and want to collaborate, or if you have comments or suggestions for the site, please reach out using 'Contact Us'.


What is DailyTracker.Life?

  • DailyTracker.Life will be a tool that automatically collects prices and other economic data from sources like Walmart, Kroger, Target, US stock markets, and government reports, securely stores these data points with full historical tracking, and then presents them through clear, interactive graphs and downloadable tables - all without bias or spin.
  • DailyTracker.Life will always be a free service and there will never be any type of account requirement for someone to download our data. No promises on ads, but hopefully not.

Our Core Commitments:

  • We will only collect data from reliable sources, using automated processes.
  • The data will be stored securely.
  • The data will be readily available and easily accessible.
  • The data and reports will always be available free of charge.
  • We will be as transparent as possible, both in the process of collecting the data and with the data itself.

What’s next?

The next step is to develop automated data collection tools that will collect real-world pricing (and other data) from trusted sources.

We will gather the cost for items like:
  • Grocery store items
    • Specific SKUs, available in most (hopefully all) of the United States.
    • Long term / non-seasonal type of products, that have been and will be around for a while.
    • We will group the products into categories, and track by as granular a level of data as we can get.
  • Gasoline
    • Averages by state, county, or city may already be available online for a source.
  • Baby supplies
    • Specific SKUs for things like diapers, wipes, diaper creams, lotions, and strollers.
  • Pet supplies
    • Specific SKUs for things like dry food, canned food, and prescriptions.
  • Maintenance items for automobiles
    • Specific SKUs for things like tires, oil, filters, batteries, and spark plugs.
  • Home building supplies
    • Specific SKUs for things like paint, lumber, shingles, and appliances.
  • Electricity per kWh
    • I’m not sure about its availability or the format it might take, but tracking this would be really interesting.
We will also collect data like:
  • US stock market daily closing numbers
  • US unemployment rate
  • US Federal debt
  • Time left on Doomsday Clock
  • Average 30-year mortgage rates
  • Average savings account rates
  • Price of gold
  • Price of oil
  • Anything and everything else we can think of (and find a reliable way to collect)

We will collect and show the data exactly as it is, with no spin or hidden agenda. Our users will be able to easily see how prices and economic indicators change over time.

Want to dive deeper? The raw data will be available to anyone, at anytime. We are all about transparency - providing our users with the tools to track the numbers themselves and the data to help them draw their own, informed, conclusions.

DailyTracker.Life: Your source for clean, simple economic data.

No opinions, no agenda, just the facts.

Contact Us

We would love to hear from you!

Please send any questions, suggestions, or ideas that you have for this site.